Category Archives: Final project

Final Project – Sudoku

My partner in this assignment was Antonio (you can find his blog here Atonio’s blog). At first we didn’t know what to do for the project, after weeks thinking about this, we had the idea of doing a project from past courses, so we looked back to the winter course of 2015 (2015 course), and decided to do a sudoku.

Captura de pantalla 2016-05-04 a las 8.42.49 p.m..png

And we found a video of ken explaining a little bit all this stuff, probably is useful.

Basically , we build our code based blog posts from students in that course . Also it was very helpful this website , to understand some concepts and to create the code. This web page was very useful too.
We did this almost all the time separated, so we could not make a video.

These are the specifications:

  • Create a text based version of a Sudoku.
  • Include all the rules and instructions that apply to the game.

As always here are the links for my GitHub, one is for the code and the other si for the text file.

Working with my partner was great, at the beginning we had lack of communication because we didn’t know what to do, but I felt in confidence with Toño because we are friends and honestly it was easy for me, I think without him I couldn’t done this, we both work separated because we have different classes and different schedule, probably he worked more than me, and was hard to find something good, but at the end we looked for information and watched some videos and thats it, we did it. Is an incredible guy and if you need help with something he will help you.